Mar 14

Standing right here, I achieve the perfect stereo…

Standing right here, I achieve the perfect stereo balance between the screaming baby in one room and the monitor in the other.

Feb 14

Thanks for the review. Sorry about the extra fees, mate!

Thanks for the review. Sorry about the extra fees, mate!?

Feb 14

In honor of John Williams’ birthday, today the mus…

In honor of John Williams’ birthday, today the music stuck on a loop in my head will be the Imperial March.

Feb 14

These opening ceremonies are cool, but I’m looking…

These opening ceremonies are cool, but I’m looking forward to when NBC cuts away to a pointless interview with Michael Phelps.

Feb 14

There is no I in TEAM, but there is MEAT.

There is no I in TEAM, but there is MEAT.

Feb 14

Congratulations to Bill @TheScienceGuy Nye for ref…

Congratulations to Bill @TheScienceGuy Nye for refraining from the use of “nutjob” during yesterday’s debate.

Feb 14

Ill-fitting yoga pants are the new “mom jeans”.

Ill-fitting yoga pants are the new “mom jeans”.

Feb 14

When the Hellmouth opens, it will be disguised as…

When the Hellmouth opens, it will be disguised as a Monkey Joe’s.

Jan 14

Cashier at the Liquor Store: “Big Super Bowl party…

Cashier at the Liquor Store: “Big Super Bowl party, huh?”
Me: “The what now?”

Jan 14

The decongestant bottle says not to exceed four pi…

The decongestant bottle says not to exceed four pills in 24 hours.

My sinuses say, “Challenge, accepted!”