Feb 08

even if you’re a one-trick pon…

even if you’re a one-trick pony, at least you’re still a pony.

Feb 08

the sure sign of an acting car…

the sure sign of an acting career on the wane? your credits include one feature "starring Queen Latifah".

Feb 08

one of the things pet ownershi…

one of the things pet ownership does to prepare you for parenthood is ready you for the amount of time dedicated to another creature’s poop.

Feb 08

trying to justify living in a …

trying to justify living in a world where a Prius can have a "Bush / Cheney" bumper sticker.

Feb 08

methinks that the next product…

methinks that the next product update from Apple will be updated AirPort Express (with 802.11n, maybe with AirTunes video?)

Feb 08

when Google Ads attack

Google Ads screen capture

okay, Google. what the hell? i’m reading a site about Mac troubleshooting, and you shoot me ads about… i have no idea what.

Feb 08

eight years of customer service evolution

switching from time warner to earthlink (2000):

  • the promotion: $5 less per month for the same service
  • phone calls: 1
  • CSRs spoken to: 2
  • real time: .25 hours

switching from time warner to earthlink (2008):

  • the promotion: $29.95 for the first 6 months of 5.0 megabit, $41.95 thereafter
  • real time: 1.75 hours
  • phone calls: 7
  • number of times i’ve given my home phone number: 13
  • address: 9
  • “secret word”: 7
  • “last four of your social”: 2
  • CSRs spoken to: 9
  • whose first language was English: 3
  • minutes of Bach listened to on hold: 12
  • minutes of soft jazz: 16
  • minutes of total silence: 8
  • sales pitches for TW digital cable, movies on demand, and roadrunner while waiting to disconnect roadrunner: 5
  • times promted to sign up for TWC digital phone: 2
  • times disconnected from TWC service due to horrid voice quality: 1
  • times asked to “continue to hold for the next available representative”: >30
  • number of times i was told by TWC that i needed to call Earthlink to finish my transaction: 3
  • number of times told to call TWC by Earthlink: 4
  • number of times i was told i made a mistake in the process, despite doing exactly what i was told: 4

Feb 08

why is the MacWorld Encore sit…

why is the MacWorld Encore site hosted on a Windows/ASP server? (http://tinyurl.com/2tud5s)

Feb 08

@hotdogsladies – three steps t…

@hotdogsladies – three steps to the perfect rib roast: 1. digital probe thermometer, 2. stoneware vessel, 3. Alton Brown.

Feb 08

joining twitter.

joining twitter.