Apr 10

howto: tweet banned IPs from fail2ban

since i banged my head on this for a couple of days, i thought i’d share my solution.

if you’re running a server, you really should do something to keep brute-force SSH attacks from slowing it down, and potentially compromising your server. for this, i use fail2ban

fail2ban allows one to trigger certain actions when an IP is banned. i wanted to tweet those IPs, so their ISPs could be publicly shamed. i do this at http://twitter.com/bannedIPs/

it’s well known how to tweet from the command line:

curl -u username:mypassword -d status="Status Message" http://twitter.com/statuses/update.xml

so, i put this into a file “tweet.conf” in /etc/fail2ban/actions.d:

actionstart =
actionstop =
actioncheck =
actionban = echo "status=<ip>" | curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -d @- http://twitter.com/statuses/update.xml
actionunban =

and the following in /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf:

enabled = true
filter = sshd
action = iptables[name=SSH, port=ssh, protocol=tcp]
logpath = /var/log/secure
maxretry = 3
bantime = 86400

(note the “action” is just “tweet” without the trailing “.conf”)

Apr 10

six months down, seventeen and…

six months down, seventeen and a half years to go.

Apr 10

Looking forward to @tiftmerrit…

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Apr 10

RT @Ihnatko: iPhone hacked to …

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Apr 10

wow. you tweet something derog…

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Apr 10

The next time you try to scam …

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Apr 10

re:london: http://derad.typepa…

re:london: http://derad.typepad.com/onlinecrimebytes/2009/04/help-im-stuck-in-london-and-ive-been-robbed.html

Apr 10

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Apr 10

Wow. That was remarkably fast….

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