Oct 01


dammit, apple.

i just gave you a heaping pile of my cash for a new iBook, and now you’re throwing stuff like the iPod at me.

me want. me want. me want.
no. me need.

Oct 01


giuliani, you moron! take the money!

Sep 01


Arthur C Clarke seems to think there are ‘Banyan Trees’ on Mars. okay.

I’m with you there, A.C.

I think it’s time we found intelligent life somewhere out in space, because, as Monty Python put it, “There’s bugger all down here on Earth.”

just a thought.

Sep 01


you all know the news. as they mentioned on the news here, now is a good time for everyone who can to donate blood.

The Red Cross website will give you more information about where and how to give blood. put your zipcode in the field below or follow this link.

Sep 01

give blood

you all know the news. as they mentioned on the news here, now is a good time for everyone who can to donate blood.

The Red Cross website will give you more information about where and how to give blood. put your zipcode in the field below or follow this link.

Sep 01


it’s not a backslash, people.

when you go to a website and think it’s neato, and want to tell a friend about it, do not say “it’s suchandsuch dot com backslash somethingorother” and for God’s sake don’t go on TV and advertise your product at Sony dot com backslash music. (one hint: it doesn’t work)

it’s not a backslash

this is a backslash \

this is a slash /

see the difference? do you ever see a backslash in a web URL? no. i don’t know why anybody insists on using them both, (thanks, DOS) instead of just settling on one or the other, but get the two straight.

it’s like.. diesel and regular gas. you put the wrong kind in your car and you’re SOL.

a backslash will give you an error. a big fat 404.

Sep 01


today’s thought comes from the end of The Wall by Pink Floyd:

All alone, or in twos
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall
Some hand in hand
Some gathered together in bands
The bleeding hearts and the artists
Make their stand
And when they’ve given you their all
Some stagger and fall after all it’s not easy
Banging your heart against some mad bugger’s

Aug 01


here’s an idea someone can patent and make a million dollars from (who i can then sue for all he’s worth because i have prior art):

mesquite flavored propane

for those of us who own gas grills, but still want the smoky flavor of wood chips and charcoal.

Aug 01


and, while i’m at it

damned fucking worm skulking its way around the internet, smacking around networks and generally making things completely useless in its wake…

i’ve had enough of this. my internet connection at home is boned, my server is getting overworked by all the bogus hits on port 80 coming from worm-infected servers. i’m about ready to give it up completely, go live in the woods, and communicate by shouting.

all this because of a security flaw in IIS, made possible by my favorite software vendor and yours, MicroSoft. not that i ever have a problem with them… but christ. it’s bad enough when they have to eat their own dogfood, but do i have to as well?

Jul 01


3 thoughts for today.

first of all, a condom will always cost less than an abortion.

second, turning off your computer tends to discourage hackers.

third, if i were a US congressman, I’d have a policy of only hiring unattractive male interns. I bet they’d get a lot more work done, and I would spend a lot less time hooked up to a lie detector if one of them were to disappear.
