Mar 11

Anyone else at #sxsw getting d…

Anyone else at #sxsw getting dicked around by car2go about insurance bullshit? 4 days and still no car.

Mar 11

#911Tweets update: Katrin Verc…

#911Tweets update: Katrin Verclas ( @katrinskaya ) unable to make it. Kindly sitting in, @PatrickMeier.

Mar 11

Meeting a lot of people in per…

Meeting a lot of people in person for the first time at #sxsw Still uncomfortable each time I text spmeo “what are you wearing?”

Mar 11

The message i’m getting from #…

The message i’m getting from #sxsw today? HTML5 isn’t done cooking yet. Stop asking.

Mar 11

my favorite #sxsw panel modera…

my favorite #sxsw panel moderator: @Chaals.

Mar 11

Hoping to meet up with my #911…

Hoping to meet up with my #911tweets panelists this morning, but I guess they’re all still sleeping off last night.

Mar 11

“Super” : two thumbs up. And a…

“Super” : two thumbs up. And a pipe wrench to the face. #super

Mar 11

I give in. Gowalla or Foursqua…

I give in. Gowalla or Foursquare?

Mar 11

Sorry, buddy. You lost my inte…

Sorry, buddy. You lost my interest at “I’m starting a social network for..” #sxsw

Mar 11

Just realized my Droid autocom…

Just realized my Droid autocompletes “y’all” but not “autocomplete”.