Feb 11

wow. i tweet something mention…

wow. i tweet something mentioning “ipad” once, and now i have a bunch more spambots following me and sending me @ replies. joy.

Feb 11

I accidentally saw part of a J…

I accidentally saw part of a Justin Bieber video on TV today, and now I can’t get that terrible haircut out of my head.

Feb 11

#Grammys relevant? Consider: …

#Grammys relevant? Consider:

Elvis’ 3 Grammys were for Gospel.
Jethro Tull – Heavy Metal, 1989.
Milli Vanilli – Best New Artist, 1990.

Feb 11

Why is there Fig Newton in you…

Why is there Fig Newton in your ear? #questionsYouAskAToddler

Feb 11

sadly, and predictably, Apple …

sadly, and predictably, Apple has rejected the Newton emulator for iPhone from the app store.

Feb 11

Einstein, the Newton emulator,…

Einstein, the Newton emulator, is currently being reviewed by the iOS app store. http://ow.ly/3TDSG #WatchingForFlyingPigs

Feb 11

What is this “bass kit ball” e…

What is this “bass kit ball” everyone’s all riled up about?

Feb 11

Shocking medical discovery: Mo…

Shocking medical discovery: Mommy kisses just a placebo.

Feb 11

The people of #Egypt need some…

The people of #Egypt need something symbolic to tear down, like the Berlin Wall.

Are there any pyramids you guys aren’t too attached to?

Feb 11

RT @erict19: Interesting polit…

RT @erict19: Interesting political cartoon on #Egypt definitely worth sharing http://i.imgur.com/xvRTw.jpg