Dagger in my spine/
Vicodin only dulls it/
Ice packs all melted.
Jul 13
Dagger in my spine/ Vicodin only dulls it/ Ice pac…
Jun 13
This is the last week to order the RetroConnector…
This is the last week to order the RetroConnector Shield at the pre-order price of $35 ($10 for the board only).
Jun 13
Maybe Paula Deen would be more popular in Italy th…
Maybe Paula Deen would be more popular in Italy than I thought.
Jun 13
Let’s just lock Paula Deen and Kanye West in a roo…
Let’s just lock Paula Deen and Kanye West in a room together, and let them hash out who is the most awful.
Jun 13
Look for the guy with baby barf stains on his shou…
Look for the guy with baby barf stains on his shoulders, and wish him happy father’s day.
Jun 13
Looking forward to the influx of novelty R2D2 and…
Looking forward to the influx of novelty R2D2 and soda/beer themed Mac Pro “skins”.
Jun 13
It’s not a new Mac Pro, but I’ve released some new…
It’s not a new Mac Pro, but I’ve released some new hardware of my own: ow.ly/1Xh0o2
Jun 13
Excuse me, sir. Could you not smoke that electroni…
Excuse me, sir. Could you not smoke that electronic cigarette in here? I don’t want to inhale second hand d-bag.
May 13
That feeling when you can’t think of a word and it…
That feeling when you can’t think of a word and it’s right on the tip of your… isotope! Dammit, that has been bugging me all day. Isotope.
May 13
My new favorite thing about The Avengers is that t…
My new favorite thing about The Avengers is that the Spanish title is Los Vengadores.