Jun 03


it’s hard to express just how satisfying it is to me to see that MTV is, by doing segments of “M2 on MTV” promoting M2 as “where the music is”, in essence telling us just how little actual music there is on Music Telvision these days. “We’re such tools,” they’re saying, “that we had to come up with a whole new channel to build up your hopes and then ruin like everything else we touch.”

god bless you, MTV

Jun 03


it seems that a spammer, one of those detestable vermin, just one step below a monkeypox infested, rabid prairie dog, has been spoofing one of my email addresses while sending out his drivel.

i only know this because i’m the one that gets the bounced messages when they fail.

thank you Go Daddy Software. thank you for sending out urls like http-www-swmaxxdel-com-il1oololo-0o0olo0os-0os0l5o5-0o50s0o-o1o.us and oll02198283l4672lo39102-42l3917y7u123-lo97687o876o58l-olol27373.us with my name on them.

thank you secureserver.net for sending this mail for godaddy. thank you verio for hosting them.

and thank you to all the postmasters and admins at (in no particular order) amsuper.com, fvg.it, cspadsl.com, ayala.com.ph, baylinens.com, berea.edu, postnet.se, newsouth.net, foxtel.com.au, AO fucking L, cms.edu.do, compmktg.com, spray.net, csc.com, csuohio.edu, personainternet.com, deq.state.ms.us, nacamar.de, esaote.com, and Fleishman.com for either having poorly configured or nonexistent antispam procedures, or for relaying this spam that so clearly does not originate where it seems to.

this is what the internet is supposed to be about, after all. right?

Jun 03


sigh. it’s only now that joey ramone is good and truly dead that a Ramones song can be used in a TV commercial for cel phones.