May 14

Your chance to own Jupiter Ace. No, not *a* Jupite…

Your chance to own Jupiter Ace. No, not *a* Jupiter Ace, the whole brand. Including master tapes and copyrights: m.ebay.co.uk/itm/3214008835…

May 14

Fun fact: one way to get the cork out of a bottle…

Fun fact: one way to get the cork out of a bottle of wine without a corkscrew is to put it in the freezer to chill, then forget it’s there.

May 14

I support legalizing same-sex marijuana.

I support legalizing same-sex marijuana.

May 14

A Power Rangers movie? I thought that’s what Pacif…

A Power Rangers movie? I thought that’s what Pacific Rim was supposed to be.

May 14

I think for the Episode VII soundtrack, John Willi…

I think for the Episode VII soundtrack, John Williams is just going to phone it in. Literally over the phone, making mouth noises.

May 14

And also with you.

And also with you.

May 14

Outfit a Raspberry Pi with the classic lines of the Apple II.

Outfit a Raspberry Pi with the classic lines of the Apple II.?

Apple II Raspberry Pi Case

May 14

Now available on Etsy: Apple II Raspberry Pi case…

Now available on Etsy: Apple II Raspberry Pi case