0x1F4 Days of Summer #geekromcoms
random stuff
Mar 14
sudo rsync -av /Users/harry/ /Users/sally/ #geekro…
sudo rsync -av /Users/harry/ /Users/sally/ #geekromcoms
Mar 14
You’ve Got Mail, But It’s In Your Spam Folder. #ge…
You’ve Got Mail, But It’s In Your Spam Folder. #geekromcoms
Mar 14
A super thin letter-size e-ink tablet optimized fo…
A super thin letter-size e-ink tablet optimized for note taking? I want one. But not for $1100, and not from Sony.
Mar 14
RT @digg: Gwar frontman Dave Brockie has died: htt…
RT @digg: Gwar frontman Dave Brockie has died: di.gg/1nTNaSl
Mar 14
What you’re seeing, Mr. Phelps, isn’t a gathering…
What you’re seeing, Mr. Phelps, isn’t a gathering protest. It’s the line forming to piss on your grave.
Mar 14
There’s no feeling quite as comforting as sitting…
There’s no feeling quite as comforting as sitting in a rocking chair, your baby sleeping peacefully on your lap.
Except if you have to pee.
Mar 14
Whatever happened to the boys in that lady’s yard?…
Whatever happened to the boys in that lady’s yard? The one with the milkshake?
And now, that song is stuck in your head too.