Oct 13

Ooh! A present in the mail from @kgagne! It’s a……

Ooh! A present in the mail from @kgagne! It’s a… Dead hard drive?

Oct 13

When I hear people talk about the “Internet of Thi…

When I hear people talk about the “Internet of Things” I imagine Ben Grimm pecking out commands at a VT100. #seewhatididthere

Oct 13

Called @ATTCustomerCare to turn off long distance….

Called @ATTCustomerCare to turn off long distance. Instead, they add a new long distance plan, and charge us for making the change.

Oct 13

One of those rare instances today, where putting a…

One of those rare instances today, where putting a client’s hard drive in the freezer revived it long enough to recover the data. #HeatKills

Oct 13

RT @Ihnatko: To win “best Halloween costume of 201…

RT @Ihnatko: To win “best Halloween costume of 2013” you need to do better than this little girl: HULK BALLERINA!!! imgur.com/a/OvzkX

Oct 13

Fffffffffuuu… GoDaddy acquired Media Temple? Bes…

Fffffffffuuu… GoDaddy acquired Media Temple? Best hosting company bought by worst hosting ever?

Oct 13

It seems to me that calling something “partial ze…

It seems to me that calling something “partial zero emissions” is a divide-by-zero error.

Oct 13

#Miley, please put your tongue and bottom away unt…

#Miley, please put your tongue and bottom away until you have something interesting to say with them.

Oct 13

Our new small, cubic overlords: https://t.co/RFm6W…

Our new small, cubic overlords: adafruit.com/blog/2013/10/0…

Oct 13

New product: Apple IIe card y-cable. Taking pre-orders now.

Charles Mangin originally shared this post:

New product: Apple IIe card y-cable. Taking pre-orders now.


Apple IIe Card Y-Cable

Click “Join Waitlist” to be notified when these are available. The final price will be determined by demand. Overview This cable is a replacement for the difficult-to-find original “Y-cable” that came with the IIe card for LC-series Macs. Pictured above is the replacement Y-cable alongside the original Apple part. Details Many of the cards available to purchase online, or found in machines at garage sales have been separated from the y-cable, whi…