For a Space Battleship, the Yamato spends a lot of time in various planetary bodies of water.
random stuff
Jul 13
Currently testing the Mythbusters conclusion that…
Currently testing the Mythbusters conclusion that swearing increases pain tolerance.
Jul 13
Waiting* is the hardest part. (* for the vicodin t…
Waiting* is the hardest part.
(* for the vicodin to kick in)
Jul 13
The next Doctor should be Hugh Laurie. They can ch…
The next Doctor should be Hugh Laurie. They can change the title to “Who, M.D.”
Sonic screwdriver? No. A cane and a handful of vicodin.
Jul 13
TIL: orthodontics = tooth straightening. Orthopaed…
TIL: orthodontics = tooth straightening. Orthopaedics = child straightening.
Jul 13
Dagger in my spine/ Vicodin only dulls it/ Ice pac…
Dagger in my spine/
Vicodin only dulls it/
Ice packs all melted.
Jun 13
This is the last week to order the RetroConnector…
This is the last week to order the RetroConnector Shield at the pre-order price of $35 ($10 for the board only).