Getting ready for a skype call with a client. At least I only need to be presentable from the waist up.
random stuff
Oct 12
From now on, I will refer to American Football as…
From now on, I will refer to American Football as Headbrick.…
Oct 12
It’s hard to work up the proper sense of dread for…
It’s hard to work up the proper sense of dread for a storm called Sandy. We need more menacing names for these things. #HurricaneVoldemort
Oct 12
Bracing myself for the Frankenstormageddon-pocalyp…
Bracing myself for the Frankenstormageddon-pocalypse.
Oct 12
The same people that believe all Muslims subjugate…
The same people that believe all Muslims subjugate women also think Obama is Muslim, and complain about Michelle’s popularity.
Oct 12
Anybody want to see what makes a three year old to…
Anybody want to see what makes a three year old totally lose his mind?
Oct 12
Wind, rain and impending hurricane and still a lon…
Wind, rain and impending hurricane and still a long line for early voting. Pretty impressive. #democraticprocess
Oct 12
Clearly, being on the do-not-call list isn’t enoug…
Clearly, being on the do-not-call list isn’t enough. How do I get on the “not an undecided voter in a swing state” list?
Oct 12
A Words With Friends board game? How does Zynga c…
A Words With Friends board game? How does Zynga come up with these ideas?!
Oct 12
RT @blinkylights23: Wow, @MittRomney really having…
RT @blinkylights23: Wow, @MittRomney really having a hard time threading the “assertive” vs. “entitled rich jerk” needle.