New business plan for @AmericanAir:
Step 1: give your pilots what they want.
Step 2: give your customers what they deserve.
random stuff
Oct 12
New business plan for @America…
Oct 12
How does @AmericanAir maintain…
How does @AmericanAir maintain this stellar level of customer service? Seriously *stellar*
Oct 12
Taxi drivers still using carbo…
Taxi drivers still using carbons to take credit cards? One word: @square. Look it up.
Sep 12
Weather in the northeast delay…
Weather in the northeast delays our flight from Denver to Dallas, so we miss the RDU flight by 20 mins. So now, Dallas for the night. Sigh.
Sep 12
My third reaction to watching …
My third reaction to watching “Blade Trinity”:
“Holy crap. Is that Jessica Biel?”
Sep 12
My second reaction to watching…
My second reaction to watching “Blade Trinity”:
“Holy crap. Is that Ryan Reynolds?”
Sep 12
My first reaction to watching …
My first reaction to watching “Blade Trinity”:
“Holy crap. Is that Parker Posey?”
Sep 12
I’ll compromise with you, FAA….
I’ll compromise with you, FAA. During the parts of a flight I can’t use my electronics, you should mandate that the people around me STFU.
Sep 12
Ever have one of those days wh…
Ever have one of those days when you get a Dead Milkmen song stuck in your head for no apparent reason? #punkrockgirl