I may have just had to tell my toddler “Eat the goldfish, not the table.”
And not for the first time.
I may have just had to tell my toddler “Eat the goldfish, not the table.”
And not for the first time.
Rainbow flags? Apple logo? Missed opportunity.
No sound will wake a sleeping child as quickly and consistently than that of her parent lying down for a nap.
Okay, Brier Creek fireworks. Any. Minute. Now.
RT @adafruit: Monitor II by RetroConnector #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi adafru.it/b120594
RT @creamerkylec: This is one of the most adorable things I’ve ever seen :) http://t.co/URHGj1IRID
Can any of my foursquare using friends explain the point of the Swarm app?
“Daddy, I want to go to the Apple store.”
“Why? What do you want to get from the Apple store?”
How I Met Your Dick
How I Dick Your Mother
Only Michael Bay would think that the Ninja Turtles would wear samurai armor.
Ninja. Turtles.