Jun 14

Nothing quite as satisfying as sending out an invo…

Nothing quite as satisfying as sending out an invoice from a coffee shop, and getting paid before you finish your latte. Thanks @freshbooks

Jun 14

Soccer isn’t just a sport, it’s a religion. That…

Soccer isn’t just a sport, it’s a religion.

That gives me two reasons to not care about World Cup.

Jun 14

Thanks, Fitbit, for reminding me to park at the ba…

Thanks, Fitbit, for reminding me to park at the back of the lot to get more steps. Maybe next time, remind me to bring an umbrella, too.

Jun 14

http://t.co/uXXWSjzv21 yes, I buy wine based on th…

ow.ly/i/5QHqw yes, I buy wine based on the graphic design on the label.

Jun 14

Funny how much more responsive a server is when it…

Funny how much more responsive a server is when it’s not hosting 16 concurrent VNC sessions.

Jun 14

baratunde @sixwords Does STFU count as one word?…

baratunde @sixwords Does STFU count as one word?

“Just STFU and get over it.”


May 14

RT @aigaraleigh: Got tech questions? Ask @option8,…

RT @aigaraleigh: Got tech questions? Ask @option8, the Designer’s IT guy. 6/10 #homegrown owl.li/xeKq7

Hey, that’s me!

May 14

RT @blakespot: Chilling thought: the planet Mars i…

RT @blakespot: Chilling thought: the planet Mars is populated entirely by robots.

May 14

Lose five pounds and an inch off your waist this w…

Lose five pounds and an inch off your waist this weekend! Get norovirus today! #hyuurggh

May 14

Don’t go see Chef on an empty stomach. Or without…

Don’t go see Chef on an empty stomach. Or without a drool cup handy.