May 14

I think for the Episode VII soundtrack, John Willi…

I think for the Episode VII soundtrack, John Williams is just going to phone it in. Literally over the phone, making mouth noises.

May 14

And also with you.

And also with you.

May 14

Outfit a Raspberry Pi with the classic lines of the Apple II.

Outfit a Raspberry Pi with the classic lines of the Apple II.?

Apple II Raspberry Pi Case

May 14

Now available on Etsy: Apple II Raspberry Pi case…

Now available on Etsy: Apple II Raspberry Pi case

Apr 14

Major Game Of Thrones spoiler means that fictional…

Major Game Of Thrones spoiler means that fictional story told within fictional world may be based on fictional fact. Also, dragons.

Apr 14

I guess solder fumes don’t count. RT @stevewoz:…

I guess solder fumes don’t count.

RT @stevewoz: Have never used an illicit substance…

Apr 14

Skynet won’t become self-aware until it can proper…

Skynet won’t become self-aware until it can properly tell which version of “its” I meant in my voice dictation. #alsothanandthen

Apr 14

Disney legal covered all their bases with Frozen:…

Disney legal covered all their bases with Frozen: ow.ly/i/5mrbI

Apr 14

RT @shapeways: 14 Carat Gold http://t.co/Pd0IJzPC…

RT @shapeways: 14 Carat Gold shpws.me/sfda

Who wants a gold Apple IIe? shapeways.com/model/1827259/…

Apr 14

Where do I send my Eagle badge and awards? I don’t…

Where do I send my Eagle badge and awards? I don’t think I want them any more. thinkprogress.org/lgbt/2014/04/2…