Four Weddings, a Funeral, Three Reboots and a Service Pack. #geekromcom
Mar 14
sudo rsync -av /Users/harry/ /Users/sally/ #geekro…
sudo rsync -av /Users/harry/ /Users/sally/ #geekromcoms
Mar 14
You’ve Got Mail, But It’s In Your Spam Folder. #ge…
You’ve Got Mail, But It’s In Your Spam Folder. #geekromcoms
Mar 14
A super thin letter-size e-ink tablet optimized fo…
A super thin letter-size e-ink tablet optimized for note taking? I want one. But not for $1100, and not from Sony.
Mar 14
RT @digg: Gwar frontman Dave Brockie has died: htt…
RT @digg: Gwar frontman Dave Brockie has died:
Mar 14
What you’re seeing, Mr. Phelps, isn’t a gathering…
What you’re seeing, Mr. Phelps, isn’t a gathering protest. It’s the line forming to piss on your grave.
Mar 14
There’s no feeling quite as comforting as sitting…
There’s no feeling quite as comforting as sitting in a rocking chair, your baby sleeping peacefully on your lap.
Except if you have to pee.