Mar 14

Leprechaun traps? Is this a thing now?

Leprechaun traps? Is this a thing now?

Mar 14

Whatever happened to the boys in that lady’s yard?…

Whatever happened to the boys in that lady’s yard? The one with the milkshake?

And now, that song is stuck in your head too.

Mar 14

The problem with setting the whole world on fire i…

The problem with setting the whole world on fire is that there’s no place to stand and watch the fucker burn.

Mar 14

Current mustache status: somewhere between Jamie H…

Current mustache status: somewhere between Jamie Hyneman and Yosemite Sam.

Mar 14

Now, how would you pronounce Yopöp?

Now, how would you pronounce Yopöp?

Mar 14

Fellow German sprechers, how do you pronounce an O…

Fellow German sprechers, how do you pronounce an O with an Umlaut?

Mar 14

As I was taking apart an old Datavue portable to fix some video issues (I never did sort them out, btw…

Charles Mangin originally shared this post:

As I was taking apart an old Datavue portable to fix some video issues (I never did sort them out, btw) I noticed these cute little cartoons on some of the chips. The large one is on an Intel chip, of a little cartoon Death and a mouse. Odd.

Another looks like it has a cat from the back and something else, a third chip has another strange cartoon animal I can't identify.

Is there any explanation for these, or some meaning to them??

Mar 14

Apparently Newsweek thinks this is me: http://t.co…

Apparently Newsweek thinks this is me: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_M…

Mar 14

Its the eternal question: is it an effeminate man…

Its the eternal question: is it an effeminate man or woman with a mustache?

Mar 14

When I read @neiltyson’s name, I internally autoco…

When I read @neiltyson‘s name, I internally autocorrect it to “Neil Degrassi Junior High”