Dec 13

Vegan, gluten free, fair trade chestnuts roasting…

Vegan, gluten free, fair trade chestnuts roasting on an open carbon neutral fire #updatedcarols

Dec 13

We wish you a merry Christmas, or we would if it w…

We wish you a merry Christmas, or we would if it wouldn’t offend too many people, so happy holidays instead #updatedcarols

Dec 13

What child is this? The results up next on Maury….

What child is this? The results up next on Maury. #updatedcarols

Dec 13

Rudolph looks great after rhinoplasty #updatedcaro…

Rudolph looks great after rhinoplasty #updatedcarols

Dec 13

The 36 days of Christmas, depending on how late Th…

The 36 days of Christmas, depending on how late Thanksgiving is. #updatedcarols

Dec 13

Silent night, thanks to noise-cancelling headphone…

Silent night, thanks to noise-cancelling headphones #updatedcarols

Dec 13

Little beatboxer boy. #updatedcarols

Little beatboxer boy. #updatedcarols

Dec 13

RT @brodiewest: To the non sportsing person, this…

RT @brodiewest: To the non sportsing person, this does pretty much sum up sport in a nutshell… http://t.co/0WneBkQMnG


Dec 13

I don’t care that it was 80 degrees today. I made…

I don’t care that it was 80 degrees today. I made soup because it’s supposed to be December.

Dec 13

It’s a narrow portion of the population that can g…

It’s a narrow portion of the population that can get away with wearing yoga pants anywhere outside a yoga studio. i.e. not the wide portion.